Los 4358
SWITZERLAND. Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (Swiss Confederation). 1848-present. Medal 1945 (Bronze, 52 mm, 53.51 g, 12 h), on the internment of Polish soldiers in Switzerland during the Second World War, Huguenin, Le Locle. Polish soldier and civilian with spade standing slightly left; behind, Alpine panorama. Rev. L’INTERNEMENT EN SUISSE – INTERNOWANIE W SZWAJCARII – INTERNIERUNG IN DER SCHWEIZ - Cross with coat of arms at center and D / S / P and 1940 / 1945 in ends; horn in each angle. Zinc plated and in original case. Good extremely fine.

From the Gossau Collection.

On 20 June 1940, more than 12,000 Polish soldiers crossed the border from France into Switzerland at Goumois. Having previously fought against the German occupiers as part of the French army, they were subsequently interned in Switzerland. There, they lived and worked for five years until the conclusion of hostilities in May 1945.
25 CHF
90 CHF
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